Friday, January 28, 2011

5 Simple Strategies For Planning Your New Website

Before you start to source a good website designer to work on your website, it's worth thinking about the following points. If you can take action on these it will help you create a clearer brief your website designer and may also alert you to any questions that you hadn't thought of asking.

Strategy Tip 1
Decide on your domain name. There are some good websites out there to use for checking domain name availability. You will also need some hosting for your website and it can be better to buy your domain name and hosting package at the same time as often the domain name is included free of charge.

Strategy Tip 2
Whatever you do, please make sure that your domain name is registered in your name and not in your website designer's name. You need to maintain ownership of both your domain name and your website files.

Strategy Tip 3
Give your designer an idea of your requirements for the look and feel of your website design. It can help to make a note of any websites that you particularly like or dislike, along with any colours that you like and any typefaces that you particularly like.

Strategy Tip 4
Think about what you would like on your website - a flow chart can be helpful when doing this. You'll then get a clearer idea of how many pages you're likely to need for your site. It's also a good idea to think about the page titles.

Strategy Tip 5
Have a good photograph of yourself taken for use on your website banner. There are also some good websites that you can use to search for royalty free images to use on your site. For use on a website you only need to purchase images in the smallest file size (low resolution).

Among all,  knowing the right place to get your website designed and manage matters. 

Timothy Anietie

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Getting your Website and Product known

Creating a webpage is quite easy nowadays. Whether you are generating your own website, or starting your page on an existing site, there is an important key to victory. What's the secret to Search Engine Optimization? The secret is here and that is Backlink's! Though beginning your journey of website management may be extremely simple, getting people to READ your script is another story.

The easiest way to get the word out about your page is through backlink's. Many of you may wonder what back links are and how to attain them. A backlink is a link that is aimed back to your website, which may also be referred to as an inbound link or an "IBL." The amount of backlink's is used as a sign to show how popular your website is and its importance to readers.

SEO depends on back links because a majority of search engines, including Google, give more recognition to sites with a large quantity of QUALITY IBL's. Do not confuse quantity with quality. Getting as many random inbound links as possible instead of taking time to find relevant ones will not help you. Though you may have a large quantity, they are not QUALITY, and therefore will not be useful.

Search engines look at a website's content to establish the value of their links with the help of backlink's. When there is a link to your page from another website that is related, the significance of that link will be greater than one from a site that has nothing to do with yours.

Let's say you write a weekly fashion blog and a label you often mention links to it. That inbound link is valuable because the site is related to yours. However, take that same blog, link a website about wood building to it as a back link and search engines will find it insignificant.

The point of Search Engine Optimization is to make your site as visible to others as possible. It is helpful to keep track of your number of IBL's, along with knowing which sites are linking back to yours. Also make sure that you are familiar with how the anchor text of a backlink fits in keywords that are relevant to the site.

Inbound links are essential to the success of a website. With millions of websites to surf through on the web, and hundreds of thousands more being created every day, it is vital that you set yours apart from the rest using good keywords and building a good backlink buildup.

To your Accomplishment,

Timothy Anietie

Monday, January 17, 2011

Get Your Business known through Blogging

If you have your own small business, blogging can be a good way promote it. Blogging isn't too hard to pick up on and it helps spread the word about your business. It can be hard to get a small business well-known, but marketing online can really help.

Blog marketing will involved blogging all about your business. The internet is usually a fast way to do things, however blog marketing does take some time, so be patient. The easy part will be creating your blog and making posts. New posts should be made regularly and they should be about your business or things related to your business. Once your blog is up and running, the long process of blog marketing will begin.

You made a blog, but you need to promote it or nobody will even know the blog exists. The first thing to do is to link your business's website and your blog. If someone reads your blog and is interested in your business, they will want to check out your website. If someone is on your website and you have a link to your blog, they may click on it. Driving traffic to your blog is always a good thing.

Blog marketing will actually begin with your content. All posts must be well-written and interesting. You can write them yourself, or if you're too busy running your business you can hire someone else to write them. Keywords should be used in blog content. Keywords makes your odds of showing up in someone's search engine results better. You will also want to research search engine optimization and use it to your advantage. Optimizing your blog will be very successful.

Even if you decide not to make new posts daily, check your blog for comments. Respond to all comments. Acknowledge your readers and thank them for reading your blog. Tell them that you appreciate their comments, and answer any questions they have. Comments are a great way to discover what people think about your blog.

Link exchanges are another popular method of blog marketing. You try to exchange links with other blogs and websites that are relevant to your blog. However, try not to exchange links with your competitors.
As a small business you may want to invest a small amount of money into your blog marketing efforts. One way to do this is to pay to have your blog listed in a paid directory. This will increase your traffic and it can also help improve your search engine rankings.

As a small business owner, you should have a little experience with marketing your business. Blog marketing is different, but very similar to other marketing. There are so many opportunities to promote your business online, plus there are many different free tools and websites that offer help and advice. If you have the dedication to start your own business you have the dedication to start blog marketing. Be persistent and patient and it will pay off.

Timothy Anietie

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How to find out a Legitimate Business online

• Most businesses will advertise a contact method like a business address, a telephone number of an email address. These details would be especially important for online job opportunities. You can simply pick up the phone and contact the business to find out if it actually exists. The ones that are actually scams will not provide you multiple contact options and would usually not include a phone number in their contact details.

• There are several local associations where people file complaints against businesses. Check with BBB to see if any complaints have been filed against a particular business. You can also check with any local office for consumer affairs or the state attorney general office.

• Check if the company has a membership to professional associations. If it is, you can directly contact the association to get some feedback about the company.

• How do I find out if a business is legitimate? Check if the company has a TRUSTe certificate or if they are member of the HonestEOnline website. The certificate will usually be found on the home page of the website. Any business that will have this certification would definitely be legitimate.

• Check some of the online forums to learn more about the company and to get third party honest feedback about it from those who have some prior experience.

Online Forums are Great Resources
Online forums can be a great place for you to begin your research since you can sign up for free and get specific information about a particular company. If you have any special questions you can also post them and get answers from the other users. The fact remains that there are large number of companies that are out there to scam people and earn money off them. However, if you research well before investing your money it would be easier for you to avoid such companies. How do I find out if a business is legitimate? The key here is to research well. Good luck.

Timothy Anietie

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Insiders Tips: Blogging Secrets Reveal

Fundamental number 1: Do you know who your readers are and what they want?
This is very simple yet hard to answer question because I finished writing it in one line yet you would need a great deal of research and efforts in writing the answer to it. I don't want to make it sound complicated, so let's get into a simple example. Do you know your wife or husband? What's the connection? Guys, you don't get paid for being in a relationship, Right! At least, mostly we don't.

However, in spite of spending months and years with your partners in most intimate ways, we don't know how to sell them our ideas on relaxing, shopping or even food. Am I right or am I right? I don't want to gloat as I am a fellow searcher. However, you must understand your readers well enough to know what you can sell them before you start selling them.

Fundamental number 2: What is your investment in it?
The most successful people have made a lot in investment in their chosen vocation before it turned profitable for them. Be ready for mistakes, people because you need to make lots of them before you get success. You must learn and experiment with the business models, monetizing models, themes, SEO and content. The only constant element should be a genuine urge to help your readers. It works better than selling. When you have learnt consistently with the trends of blogging industry, you would have financially viable blogs.

I believe that there are a lot of details in those two that you would need to work upon. If, somewhere in your brain blog you are clicking on those points saying I have learnt everything and done everything and yet it's not working then turn that upside down. Dear, there is so much to know, learn and experiment with in our industry that even the most successful bloggers don't walk with that attitude.

As we jump into more crude elements of MMO with blogging, we must firstly understand that these are ideas in general. Don't pick the first one you like and apply it. You must research it heavily i.e. more than just reading one article. Find out few details. What kind of business models are working successfully in your industry blogs? Why is it a profitable stream of revenue for them? What would be the most helpful form of business and monetizing model for your blog? Then hit the action button.
Making Money Online models that deserve your attention are as follows:

Advertising models:
Somehow people need to understand that random selection of these models would not be the ideal way of creating income generation models. Firstly, you must understand them through research them. The only criteria to understand these models well enough, when you can distinguish biased promotions and factual data about these models separately. I believe in some smart research before action. Understand your vantage points and challenges to create the profitable combinations of money making models as your income generation strategy. All I can provide is few initial individual points for basic insights on all the models from where you can start your application to your blog.

Advertising models:
There are various advertising models which reap great rewords if applied to suit your readers. Whether you are creating Google adsense model, advertisements for text or flash links or in-content ads like Chitika, you must understand find the best model for your readers.
The types of advertising campaign:

There are various types of ad campaign models, which can create a good source of income if the ads are found relevant and value additions to your site and for your readers. The list of internet advertising models is as follows:

* Pay per impression:
These are well controlled model, which are generally chosen on the basis of your readership. These models would be suitable. The most important point in this scenario is to remember that cost per impression model refers to cost per thousand impressions as the industry jargon.

* Pay per click:
This advertising model allows the advertiser to pay the blogger on the basis of number of clicks on the site. These models can be based on the flat per month rates or bids as well. Google, Yahoo, MSN and other PPC providers get you in contact with numerous advertisers so you get option of choosing advertiser suitable to your blog's content, concept and readers.

* Pay per lead:
This kind of internet advertising model is not used in every industry. Only certain industries are appropriate for this kind of advertising model. For example: insurance, loans, real estate and high end advertisers who would be able to work with these leads. If you have a blog focusing on some of the high-end industrial areas with few readers, this is right model for you.

* Pay per action:
This is extremely valuable form of internet advertising as in case of bringing relevance through certain strategic action plan to readers, blogger and advertiser. It can be a win-win situation for sure. Though the ratio of the action is lower than PPC or Pay per thousand impressions, it is more productive model as it is giving definitely interested and active readers to the advertisers who would be buying. So it makes up in the costing.
Content based advertising models:

There are various types of models you can create from this kind of system. However you must be careful to select it with clear thought, precision and benefits to your readers. Somehow, in the process of selecting models, bloggers end to forget that these content based models work with the trust of the readers on the blogger. There is no way to push your money making advances without considering the readers and their comfort. You must note the types of content based models for individual worth before inserting them in your blog.

* Pay per post
This types of money making requires you to register yourself upon PPP sites and apply for the 'opps' i.e. opportunities made available by the advertisers with their list of requirements. As long as the subject and requirements won't jeopardize your readership, you would be able to write industry-specific and reader-specific content; you won't find a reason to not make it profitable.

* Reviews:
There are a lot of companies that invite you to write reviews about the websites, products and services in your area of expertise. As long as you have an eligible blog and the authority, you can write a review and get paid for it and also provide value to your readers.

* In-text advertising:
It is a form of contextual advertising, where certain keywords from your content are matched with advertising or informative links in form of pop-ups and the hyperlinks on the text. The payment model is generally on the basis of the cost per click.

Marketing models:
There are other sources of making money through your blog. These efforts would take a lot more time and would give lot more credibility and results if you continue. However, it is essential to not consider these money making models as the only important part of your blog. They should be the part of big picture, which says that your blog brings value to your readers with or without these sales. if you are going to use these models effectively without offending the people who aren't pursuing them, then they can be really worth your time and energy otherwise it is much more easier to stick to abovementioned models.

* Product selling:
Create your own product like and e-book, a tutorial, online counseling on your area of expertise, webinars, personalized treatments and actual products or services pertaining to your own industry. The list can be endless and very creative. It can add a lot of value to your blog and readers. The key is to do it without offending or annoying the readers who aren't in position to use them. The more services you offer for free, there is an opportunity for you to create a wider customer base of people who want your products or services. If all you do is selling, no one is sticking with you because this technique damages your "All I want is money." attitude doesn't bode well with any of the readers.

* Affiliate marketing:
If certain advertisers in form of affiliate marketing are found beneficial to your industry or the core content of your blog, then this method has proven to show steady and productive growth. The most important aspect is to understand that that affiliate marketers of any web-based businesses and your readers have to see the link of relevance. For example, if you are a literature blog, Amazon affiliate could be applicable option. However caution must be taken to not push wrong buttons of your readers. You must credit intelligence and choice to your readers while attempting to make money through blogging.

* Donations:
There are bloggers that may have issue with this kind of system. If you do, then you won't be able to project it with honor and authenticity. It is essential to not just drip the link in the corner of your blog. You must motivate to do it for reasons that would suit your readers. You mustn't sound needy or desperate in your attempts. That is a non-negotiable part of monetizing your blog through donations.

I have few ideas that would give you some vision in terms of promotion as enlarging your readership or generating traffic is the best way of fastening your results through any of the money making tools you would be choosing. These last few ideas would help you take few actions that would influence your bottom line more than you know.

1. Credibility: Build credibility for your blog and your name as an online expert in your field. Your content should be professionally written i.e. no grammar or spelling errors. You should be adding your passion about the subject in your every post through uniqueness of your ideas and the help you are providing to your readers to come back for more. This means you should express your dedication to blog, your readers and your goal i.e. serving your readers better each day.

2. Activity: Don't wait for your blog to reach the height of success to upgrade your blog to the latest technological advancements. If you are not as updated as the best-of-the-industry blog, then you would leave your readers with that impression that the blog and the readers are not important enough for you to keep yourself in touch with all the ways to reach them. So stay active on the relevant forums, facebook, twitter, stumbleupon, linkedin etc. Comment post on the other blogs that would give you not only links but also new associates from your own industry with whom you can exchange links and write guest posts \as well.

3. Commitment: There are times when all you need to say is that can I get back to you on that one. Instead of showing off your expertise all the times show your interest in your readers and their requirements. You should be working harder while reciprocating to the readers who are spending the quality and quantity time on your posts. You would have to select your peer bloggers and readers cautiously for that. However your perseverance and willingness to follow through on the concerns of your readers is not optional.

It sounds so complicated?  no it shouldn't, nothing in life has always been easy. Give a try and you will be convinced. You can meet the expert for further explanation, or call: 08062359810

Timothy Anietie